Levado à Letra calligraphy

It’s impossible not be in love with calligraphy. If you work in the wedding business or any kind of business that needs some kind of design, you can’t miss calligraphy. I just fell in love with this work and asked one of the best to talk a little bit about it. Ana Pinto, from Levado à Letra Caligrafia.

Levado à Letra was born in January 2015 after a time when I was researching on calligraphy. It was an art that fascinated me (calligraphy = art of writing beautifully) but here in Portugal little publicized so I have been for a while by blogs and American websites.
Afterwards I had also had some experience during my high school arts course and was more at ease. Levado à Letra is therefore a project based always on the use of calligraphy, applied directly in the various materials or in digital version after handmade and vectorized.
However I do all the design work, delivering the final product to customers. Oh and I can also include original illustrations! Sometimes of my own, others of my dear Ana Luísa Oliveira.
The other basic point of my work is total customization. Each marriage and each couple is different so they deserve something that identifies them.
I have been working primarily at weddings, but I have also had some requests for other areas such as logos, posters with inspirational phrases, and various styled shoots. Of the various materials that can be carried out: invitations, programs, menus, place markers, table identifiers, place maps, thank you cards, ballot papers, maps, signs …. Calligraphy is a constant work, I am always learning and training but it has given me the greatest pleasure to put my passion at the service of people so special that I have crossed with.


So, i hope you are just now thinking of something beautiful to say to someone you love, having your invitation in mind, or just need some really beautiful phrase hanging in your living room hall. Ana sure has her hands waiting for your ideas!

Thank you Ana Pito for such an inspirational work!


Photos: Credited in the image name
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