We are Vanessa and Ivo. We’re made of sun, sea and love. We’ve started making wedding films in 2012, and our style has been changing and getting mature. We’re looking for the story. We add some beautiful images, the proper music and we have your wedding film.
We have a dog (Kira!) and two (!) cats – Rorschach and Baunilha. We listen to a lots of music and we watch lots of movies (specially those that go well with popcorns). Vanessa worked in a theater company, Ivo worked in cinema. We love cooking together and spend our evening in the sofa. Vanessa is organized, Ivo not so organized.
On your big day, our goal is to capture, in a simple way, the essence of what happened. We’re not looking for poses or staging. We won’t upset your guests with strong lights. We’ll try to be discreet and mix with your guests. Most of the time we have just one camera on our hands. You can find us picking an appetizer, easily or dancing during the party. And we always eat cake! The wedding day is a big party and we want you to have fun. That’s why we ask for little of your time so we can some beautiful images of yours. We want you to have fun – talk, laugh, eat, drink and dance. We honestly believe that’s what makes our films unique.



Email: hello@vanessaandivo.com

Contact:  917388568

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vanessaivofilms

Pinterest: https://pt.pinterest.com/vanessaivofilms/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/vanessaivofilms

Instagram: https://instagram.com/vanessaivofilms/


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