Somewhere in the site i talk about the feeling that i had at the begining. As a wedding planner how can i also be a celebrant? It’s not compatible. It’s strange to the eyes of others. But then, i remebered. Before being a wedding planner i’m a human being. I’m me. Looking for my purpose. For my best side. And as i look for it, i tend to have one comun thread: i love to comunicate. I was a journalist, a pharmaceutical rep, worked in tourism… Comunicate with others it’s what drives me as a person. I love to talk, to share, to read. To live music in my skin. So yes. It makes sense. I’m following my path. Are you gonna follow yours?
Do you do civil mariages?
No. I only do symbolic weddings but i can help you with all the paperwork to have a legal wedding and i know the best officiants!
Do you have a script for all the ceremonies?
No. Each ceremony has a diferent scrip, depending on the personality of the grooms. I have a scructure and then we, together, decide what to do with it.
How long does a wedding ceremony takes?
You decide. 15m to 45m. It really depends on what you want to incorporate in the wedding structure. Maybe you have vows, or some speeches from friends or family. Maybe both. Maybe music, a ritual or two. So, it´s up to you!
What is a wedding ritual?
A ring exchange is a wedding ritual. As it is a handfasting or a sand ceremony! Take a look here and you will understand it better!
Can i choose a union ritual for my ceremony?
For sure! An ancient one, an origianl one, a new one. Anything is possible when love is in the picture!
Do you send the script before the ceremony for us to read and correct?
No. You have access to the structure of the wedding ceremony. And we decide together if there are things that i can talk about for everyone to know, and what are the things that will stay between us, but that you fell that are important for me to know to get to know you better. But the speech, you will only hear it for the first time on the wedding day!
Are the ceremonies in our mother language?
Well. If it’s engligh for sure! It’s my second language. I can understand french, spanish, italian (just a little bit! Ho smesso di imparare l’italiano quando sono arrivato ai verbi!). But fluently, only portuguese and english!
Do i need any special licence or document to have a symbolic ceremony?
No. As the name says, i’ts a symbolic ceremony, no paperwork envolved. But i do have a symbolic certificate for you to sign! Or we can use any other thing that you imagine for that. Or nothing at all.