Elodie + Jerome a trully unique destination wedding

I have so much to say about this couple that I actually need few words. They were already in the final process of the wedding planning, it was almost finished really, so Elodie asked me to coordinate the day.
I was so happy, mainly because I was going to work with an incredible team of vendors! They chose so well the whole team that worked in this day, no doubt that if their day was marvelous, I, received in return as much love and affection as few can give: in smiles, hugs, and exchanges of messages, that allowed me to be Me from beginning to end and there’s nothing that can pay this.
When you have this opportunity, you don’t even feel the time going by. And the good surprises here were never-ending. There was a video that played at the end of the dinner, made by Elodie’s brother and we were all kind of thinking “hummmm home made video with 13 minutes… it’s gonna be hard…”, but no! It was so great, creative and funny! Such a good time we all had to watch it.
If we sometimes have a burden in our back, because work is hard, the family is expecting from us, we feel we are not doing enough, etc, there is always some sun that brights up.
Merci Elodie and Jerome! Pour la chaleur, les sourires, les Portugais enveloppés dans le français, les paillettes dans les yeux! Soyez très heureux et ne perdez jamais cette simplicité et cette honnêteté qui vous caractérisent et vous rendent spécial!
Be you!
Inspire yourself!
Photos by Fotografamos